Rates, Fees & Billing for Residential Accounts
The Clayton County Water Authority (CCWA) has a tiered conservation base rate structure. This tiered rate structure is mandated by the Metropolitan North Georgia Water Planning District and the Georgia Environmental Protection Division to encourage smart water usage and help protect our local water resources.
CCWA does not receive any tax dollars, operating solely on water, sewer and storm water revenues. The base rates for water and sewer allow us to cover our fixed costs, such as meter reading, billing, and maintenance of our distribution and conveyance systems. This also provides a true cost of service and an incentive for customers to use less water.
Meter readings are taken each month. Customers are then billed monthly for water and sewer services, plus a $3.75 storm water fee.
The following water and sewer rates will go into effect on January 1, 2025. If you have a question about your rates, please contact our Customer Call Center Monday – Friday between 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. at 770.960.5200.